Avionics and operations  

Parts Week arrangement Lecture and study material 1. Introduction to avionics systems. -. Air Data systems (home study). 2. Gyroscopes, attitude reference systems. 3. Compasses, heading reference systems. 4. Navigation equations. 5. Flight deck instruments and integrated systems. 6. The Flight Management System (FMS). 7. Inertial Navigation Systems. 8. Radio navigation systems (ADF, VOR, DME). 9. Landing guidance systems (ILS, GPS). 10. Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS). 11. Satellite navigation systems (GPS). 12. Air Traffic Management (ATM). 13. The Future Air Navigation System (FANS). Course Contents (see week arrangement) This course provides a comprehensive, unified coverage of the principles of modern navigation equipment and systems, both in the aircraft and on the ground, including the aircraft instrumentation and flight-deck systems, with a special emphasis on the important trends in the global air navigation and air traffic management system. Study Goals 1. The student can describe in detail the working principles of the avionics systems treated in the course. 2. The student can demonstrate the avionics systems' functionalities, identify their strong points and weaknesses, and make comparisons between the avionics systems. 3. The student can evaluate, criticize, and appraise their usage in the current and future operational context
Avionics and operations

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